For some time now, electric bikes have been considered the ultimate commuter transport. The limiting of public transport during the Covid-19 pandemic, a desire to spend more time out of doors and exercising, as well as the desire to opt for a ‘greener’ mode of transport, have seen e-bike sales soar.

However, the question “are electric bikes heavy?” has for some been a little off-putting, counting against them in practical terms.

In this blog, we discuss the weight of electric bikes. There’s no denying, they are generally heavier than their conventional cousins, but does that make them impractical? We certainly don’t think so - indeed, the benefits of an e-bike more than outweigh (pardon the pun) concerns about heaviness.

Are electric bikes heavy?

While heavy may be a somewhat relative term, it’s true that an electric bike will almost always weigh more than a traditional bicycle. 

It should be said, though, at the outset of this blog, this heaviness is only noticeable when carrying an e-bike. Once you start pedalling, your e-bike will feel notably light. Typically, electric bikes weigh between 15kg and 30kg depending on their model and specifications. In comparison, a conventional bike will normally weigh between five and 20kg. 

Roughly, therefore, the average weight of a traditional bicycle will be around the minimum weight of an electric bike.

What makes up the weight of an e-bike?

So, why are electric bikes heavier than regular cycles? It comes down to the additional materials required and a more solid frame. Additional components such as the motor, battery, display screen, and wiring will add weight. Indeed, the motor system alone can add on average eight kilograms to the overall weight of the bike - proportionally a significant amount. This extra weight necessitates a more solid frame to safely support these components and to ensure the bike retains manoeuvrability at all speeds.

Portability is increasingly important to cyclists

As we have alluded to, electric bikes are increasingly popular among commuters. However, weight and portability will be a concern to commuters whose journey is not exclusively by bike. For example, many of those who commute by bike may take the train for part of their journey.  

If this is the case for you, you’ll likely want to consider a folding e-bike, since during peak times other most train companies prohibit other types of bikes to be taken on board due to space considerations.

Naturally, if commuting by bike you will want to consider weight. This can be a factor when storing a bike (both at home and at work) and if being used day-in-day-out, can make a difference to your energy levels .

At Eco Bike Co. we offer a wide range of electric bike models, a number of which come in at the lower end of the weight spectrum, and therefore may be more practical for commuters. For more information, do reach out to our expert advisors who can guide you.

Safely storing an electric bike

If you do find your electric bike to be on the heavier side, you may find yourself more frequently storing it outside or on the ground floor if you don’t have access to a lift. If storing a bike outside of your home or flat, be sure it is suitably locked. A good quality set of bike locks is an essential purchase, and not something to cut corners on. 

We offer a range of quality bike locks on our site, and strongly recommend using them each time you leave a bike outside. With the nights drawing in ever earlier at this time of year, when locking your bike outside, do make sure to leave it in a well-lit area, ideally where there is a good amount of footfall. This is always a security boost.

If you choose to keep your bike in your garden due to weight and size putting you off taking it inside, do make sure to protect it from the elements with a suitable waterproof bike cover. This can make all the difference when it comes to future maintenance.

Is a heavier bike always a disadvantage?

No, actually there are advantages to a heavier bike. Many e-bike riders we speak with cite the increased stability of a heavier electric bike as opposed to a lightweight traditional cycle. If you’ve been a while out of the saddle, or just find balance a little harder to come by, you’ll find a heavier bike offers a smoother and safer ride.

Of course, an electric bike offers additional advantages over lighter, conventional cycles. You can enjoy greater speeds with no additional effort and climb hills with ease.  Cycle rides that may once have seemed impossible become achievable. Less effort also means a lesser impact on joints. Once again, this is particularly appropriate to those who have been out of the saddle for some time.

Commuters often highlight the fact they can arrive at work without needing to change and shower, saving them time. We also find electric bikes very sociable. Many of our customers have told us that they can now cycle with friends and family who they couldn’t have kept up with before, either in terms of speed or distance.

Expect electric bikes to only get lighter

As technology develops and designs continue to improve, we expect to see increasingly lightweight electric bikes hitting the market over the coming months and years. Indeed, at Eco Bike Co., our team can walk you through a range of lighter e-bike options that offer all the benefits of an electric bike at a somewhat scaled-down weight. But even now, we feel it is hard to argue with the benefits of an electric bike when compared to a conventional bicycle - and that’s in spite of the heavier weight.

Indeed, it is only when carrying an electric bike upstairs or over some distance, that weight even becomes a factor,

We would love to hear your thoughts on this. Why not get in touch with our friendly team today for a chat? We’re on hand to share e-bike knowledge and expertise by phone, email, and web chat.

Happy riding!

October 05, 2022